nolli architecture

davide andrea nolli architetto

Wine Culture Center – Cantina Valpolicella Negrar: A MUSEUM OF PRODUCTION

Type: competition

Location: Negrar (VR) Italy

Status: idea 2014

Team composition:

arch. Davide Andrea Nolli

arch. Marcello Cesini

We design a BIG BOX, a usable box, rich in porous spaces, without any clear physical division. Production and public spaces are mixed-up and the visitors can follow the different steps of the wine making process. So we imagine a common space between private and public itinerary. The visitors are introduced into the building through a promenade and they are compelled to have physical and visual relationship according to the type of space through a promenade that creates a physical and visual relationship between all the floors.
From the main entrance, the visitors reach an exhibition area where some installations  show them  the history of the Cantina Valpolicella Negrar and take them inside the heart of the building, on the first floor, where a system of complex spaces, on different height, let them see directly offices, research labs and storehouse till the fruit store house which, when not used,  hosts the temporary art exhibitions.
Through the bottling area the visitors can arrive in a more private area -sensory multimedia library, wine museum- and from here they can come up to  the roof garden created for the production and the research. Then they can go down to the ground level through the itinerary which is strictly connected with external production area and finally reach the multi-purpose area. Keeping on going down, the visitors arrive at the public open hypogeum space, where the space boutique and the tasting room are located, and then reach definitively  the exit of the winery.
The Project’s aim is to create an open, usable space where the wine making process is shared with the visitor who become the protagonist and, at the same time, to make known the high quality of Valpolicella brand